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Getting Married in Australia

Before your big day, there are a few legalities that need to be taken care of.  


I can provide examples of all relevant forms



This is required to be submitted to your celebrant no earlier than 18 months/no later than one calendar month prior to the date of your ceremony.  A copy may be found here or your celebrant can provide you with one.  It contains information that must be supported by identification documents and witnessed by your celebrant or one of the witnesses listed in the top box on page four.  It is sent to The Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages by your celebrant within 14 days of your ceremony. The documentation required is outlined on the NOIM itself, however:


♥ If you were born in Australia then your original birth certificates OR Australian issued passports are required.  If you don’t have access to ID stating your name and place of birth, your options need to be discussed with your celebrant.


♥ If you were born outside of Australia then your overseas passport is required.   If this is not available you may provide your birth certificate.  If any of these are in a language other than english a translation must be provided by a NAATI approved translator.


♥ If you were previously married the original copy of your divorce certificate is required.  In the circumstances of death the original death certificate of your partner is required.  These need to be sighted by your celebrant at any time prior to the ceremony, and the certificate number is recorded on the NOIM.


♥ As well as the above documents another form of I.D such as a drivers licence or proof of age card must be sighted by your celebrant.


♥ All relevant documents MUST be sighted by your celebrant prior to your  wedding ceremony.



This is a marriage education pamphlet provided to you by your celebrant when you submit your NOIM.  I provide mine in PDF form once you’ve booked me (sustainability and save the trees!)



This form is signed as close to your ceremony as possible without being within it.  It is to confirm that all details on the certificates on the day are correct and that you are still eligible to wed.  It sent to The Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages by your celebrant within 14 days of your ceremony.



There are two Marriage Certificates that are signed as part of your marriage ceremony.  One is sent to The Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages along with the declaration to register your marriage as legally binding.  The second is kept by your marriage celebrant for their records (this one is also known as the Marriage Register).  They both must be signed by the Bride and Groom, their witnesses and the marriage celebrant on the day of the Ceremony.



This is the final Marriage Certificate that is given to you, the couple, on the day of your ceremony. This is for you to keep as a commemoration of the day.  It is signed by all those mentioned above and is a legal document – it can’t be replaced.



The final piece in the puzzle is the registered marriage certificate.  This is issued By The Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages once I have submitted all your paperwork and finalised your marriage online.  It costs $56 and is sent to your nominated address by registered post – I include the BDM charge for this certificate in my fee.

Any further information can be found here:

The Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages

Attorney Generals Dept

Registered Certificate fees and turnaround times



The ceremony can take any form you wish, and can contain many rituals and significant moments outside of what may be considered to be tradition.  However, to make it a legally binding union the following statements must be made at some point during the ceremony, in front of your witnesses.



“My name is (celebrants full name) and I am duly authorised by law to solemnise marriages according to law.”

“Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.


“Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.”



♥ “I call upon the persons here present, to witness that I (A.B), take you (C.D), to be my lawful wedded wife/husband/spouse.”

NB: the word “spouse” can be used by anyone of any identifier – male, female, intersex or transgender


♥ This may be incorporated into your vows or the repeat after me/I Do section of the ceremony.  It is the only time you must use your full names, and it must be said by both parties entering into the marriage.  ‘You’ may be substituted with ‘thee’ if desired. 



⇒Code of Practice for Marriage Celebrants

As a Commonwealth appointed Celebrant, I am obligated by law to meet certain service standards.  Everything you need to know about what a Celebrant is required to do for you can be found in the above form.  Don’t forget – I am performing a LEGAL service for you!  I need to meet ongoing professional development targets annually and have a huge responsibility to ensure that all the required legalities are taken care of.


⇒Notice of Intended Marriage








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